Friday, September 4, 2009

If you are so succesful, why are you still single?

Before you burn me in effigy, let me say that I don´t think single people are failures. What I am saying is that there are too many succesful people wanting a relationship that works, and not finding it.

Why is that? We are talking about mature, intelligent, independent people who have had one miserable relationship after the other. Why can´t they carry their success on to their personal lives?

Because they probably don´t use the same strategies to finding and keeping a partner that they use in other areas. It seems as though people just shut off their sound judgement and turn into a bunch of "feelings" with no impulse control. They seem to think that only feelings matter in love.

Well, that´s a warm pile of garbage. If the brain doesn´t follow the heart, the heart will not be enough.

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